In this era of digital transformation, self-paced online courses are just like textbooks: necessary but insufficient.
Why are college faculty and deans complaining about burnout when their jobs are probably too good to be true?
College and career readiness (CCR) is way off balance, with states and school districts privileging college over career and apprenticeship.
Requiring licensure for entry-level/low-risk healthcare professions and then adding a degree requirement is a Russian nested doll of bad decisions.
As video has replaced text as Gen Z’s medium of choice, publishers, courseware developers, colleges, and K-12 leaders must prioritize video-enabled learning.
Large employers of frontline workers are in a better position than unions and colleges to help close the trust gap for dislocated and disaffected Americans.
Becoming full-stack writing institutions will allow colleges to answer student concerns about employability while remaining honest about the technical/digital and (other) business skills academic institutions aren’t well positioned to address.
Unless colleges and Democrats take preemptive action, the Biden administration’s student loan moratorium qua forgiveness could easily lead to a Republican war on higher education.
Unlike cakes, apprenticeships couldn’t be easier to identify: You’re not an apprentice unless and until you’re hired as an employee by an actual employer.
Unless colleges are willing to hire leaders with non-academic backgrounds, most would be better off ditching their presidents for lower cost readily available replacements.