Why is there a shortage of air traffic controllers? Because the FAA hasn't been serious about apprenticeship and, for a generation, every new controller had to pick up and move to Oklahoma City.
If we had focused on jobs instead of training in seeking to fairly distribute the benefits of international trade, we would have invested much more in Trade Adjustment Assistance.
Young Americans are in a rush to work, but three-year degrees and the concomitant 25% discount pale in comparison to what they need, which is to bring work into school.
Learning to use business software is different from learning to think. But if the software is sufficiently complex, how different is it really? What if AI’s primary impact on education isn’t in the classroom, but rather shifting the locus of learning to outside the classroom?
Why do we allow universities receiving federal student aid to shrug off work experience requirements when relevant experience has never been more important for career launch?
Instead of responding seriously to a Congressional directive to evaluate changing the way we fund apprenticeships, the U.S. Department of Labor opted to troll the American people.
For colleges and universities, the next few years will be a steel cage match against the federal government. As Mrs. McMahon enters the ring – strange as it seems – we now live in a world where higher education leaders who wish to avoid getting bodyslammed would do well to familiarize themselves with seminal moments in professional wrestling.
Our schools already recognize that students with digitally-determined attention spans can’t read books. But rather than meet the problem head on, they’re attempting to meet students where they are. It’s an abdication of responsibility.
In education, our revealed preferences now vary radically from our stated preferences for one simple reason: we fear for our children’s economic future. So while we continue to say one thing, we’re making choices that seem safer.
Since we’re not likely to change our biology or behavior, the only way to close education’s growing gender gap is to change our college-for-all environment.